So i'm back training on the Gold Coast untill Next Tuesday the 18th of Jan when i fly to Perth.
The past 2 weeks have been crazy here , it hasn't stopped raining, There have been floods every-where and thousands upon thousands of people have been evacuated from there homes.
recently Brisbane city has been hit with major floods.
Follow the link below to view the images of the flooding.... It's been bad to say the least.
Onto a lighter note.
I have started to grow a beard... reason? ... purely to shield my face from the rain when i'm out riding.
Here is a close up... " hey every body come see how good i look "
yeah not the best look, But hey i do what i want...

Other than that life has been all about the training... and selling things on ebay... !!! yeah the excitement just keeps rolling in...Envious any-one?
Ok so i'll report again once i hit Perth.... Floods on the Gold-Coast to bush fires in Perth.. Australia is messed up...
But they do have Koala's !!! ....
Later G